
Panglao: Kalipayan Beach Resort

The Kalipayan Beach Resort is among the premier beach resorts in Bohol. This is where you can can experience a lot of fun and to-do’s as you enjoy your stay – kayaking, snorkeling, diving, fishing, trekking, and island hopping tours.

Not distant from this Panglao Island getaway resort are the crystal clear blue waters, hence, magnificent dive spots. Diving is the main thing when you go to Kalipayan. The coral gardens are amazing to look at especially the active fauna of fishes and sea eels. A ten-minute boat ride from Danao Beach is the dive site of Kalipayan.

Kalipayan Beach Resort is located at the southern end of Alona beach with an area around 11,000 square meters. One facility you can hang out in is the ones provided by the Atlantis Dive Center Kalipayan. It is located though not exactly at Kalipayan but at Alona Beach. It’s just around the corner of Kalipayan Beach Resort so you might want to check it. They include cottages with nine rooms, swimming pools, pool bar, restaurant, seaside terrace, restaurants, and of course, a dive shop.

Check out traveller reviews at TripAdvisor.

Kalipayan Beach Resort
Alona Beach
Tawala, Panglao
Bohol 6340

Phone: +63 38 502 9037
E-mail: (Raynold Ocho)

(Photos and text: Villamor Tours)

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