
Baclayon: BAHANDI Heritage Walking Tour

The Heritage Walking Tour is an eco-cultural activity inspired by the Baclayon Ancestral Homes Association (BAHANDI) to promote and preserve not only the Baclayon ancestral houses, but also the heritage of the whole community.

The tour will give you the opportunity to explore, with a local guide, the towns historic treasures including the Baclayon Church, 17th century elementary school and Spanish bridges, as well as some beautiful examples of centuries old ancestral houses. The tour also provides refreshments of traditional Baclayanon delicacies, Txocolate (hot chocolate) and Broas (pastries) at a elegant table setting outside the church.

Along with the Heritage Walking Tour, BAHANDI also organizes a Homestay Program along with various cultural events, such as singing contests, music recitals and festivals.

Contact details
Phone: +63 38 540 9030
Mobile: +63 917 620 1211

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