
Flag of Bohol

The provincial flag of Bohol have the following design and symbolism:

Size and Dimension: It shall have the same size and dimension as the Philippine National Flag.

Colors: The provincial flag shall have three (3) colors, namely ; blue for nobility, white for purity, and red for courage. The path and/or strip of the blue and red runs in a perpendicular grain with the patch of white in-between.

Chocolate Hills: This famous tourist attraction symbolizes the abundance of natural beauty that the Creator has bestowed on Bohol. The supplementary background of green in the reproduction of the province's coat of arms is interpretative of Bohol as an agricultural province, most of its people depend on farming for their livelihood.

Blood Compact: The Sikatuna - Legaspi Blood Compact symbolizes the Boholano's love for peace.

The two Bolos: The bolos with their handle and hand-guards on top, reclining respectively towards the left and right depict the Dagohoy and Tamblot revolts; that a true Boholano will rise and fight if supervening factors embroil them into something beyond reason or tolerance.

The Lone Star: The Lone Star represents Carlos P. Garcia, a native son of Talibon who was the only Philippine President produced by the province . Another star shall be added for every Boholano who shall also become president of the Philippines.

Note: This post is part of the original article from my Bohol On My Mind blog.

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